Saturday, September 19, 2009

T G I F!!!!!

Cliche...but that's definitely what I felt when I woke up this morning.

I had been looking forward to Friday since Tuesday afternoon. I kept feeling like 'Today should be Friday, shouldn't it?'...

Basically, I've had a really stressful week...Survey assignment on Tuesday afternoon, under the sun...and Lord help me, I was wearing a black top....that made it even more unbearable...

Assignments that were posted first day of school and the responsibility of finding a job for my next semester's co-op program...

My mind has been working on overtime, especially since I haven't been able to get all my textbooks. Luckily, I'm getting them tomorow but you can imagine how I felt two days ago, having 5 assignments in 6 different textbooks all due next can say that I didn't just want Friday, I needed it.

What better way to spend a Friday than with my roomie and her extremely cute male friend...I have got my eyes on him since we met (wink wink)...

So we watched 'All about Steven'.

Really cool movie. This has got to be the first movie that Sandra Bullock acted as a blonde...and boy o boy...she wasn't a very pleasant sight. The movie was great though. Fabulous acting and an unexpected end...I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I watched it.

I got one lesson from the movie too

" If you have to stalk him, then he probably isn't right for you"

I don't know why, but that really hit I needed to hear that. So, I don't know what the lesson was for but when the time comes....I think I will.

So the movie was nice...but the journey home...hmmmnn

Considering it was a Friday night, all kinds of people were out. I think my roomie and I walked past 4 different parties on one residential road...

NB-not a club road o

It was kinda scary when these group of boys seemed to be tailing us. We ran into an apartment building, where we called a cab. Unfortunately, my roomie gave the cab the wrong address and we ended up walking home anyway...not so scary the next time...

Anyways, Im bouncing prepare for another stress-filled day tomorow...but you know what, at least there was a break...So Thank God For Fridays!!!
